一般社団法人 日本消化器内視鏡学会 Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society

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  3. 学術集会・セミナー
  4. 日本消化器内視鏡学会総会 主題演題一覧表(第78回~第106回)
  5. 4. 招待講演

4. 招待講演

タイトル 司会・演者
106回 The point of no return in the pathogenesis of H. pylori-associated gastric cancer 演者:David Y. Graham(Baylor College of Medicine)
司会:加藤 元嗣(北海道対がん協会)
Clinical status and problems in gastrointestinal treatment in Asian countries: The Indonesian experiences 演者:Dadang Makmun(Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia)
司会:山本 博徳(自治医大・消化器内科)
How to use endoscopy database to generate high impact research? 演者:Francis K. L. Chan(The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
司会:藤本 一眞(国際医療福祉大)
Artificial intelligence in endoscopy 演者:Helmut Messmann(University Hospital Augsburg)
司会:田尻 久雄(東京慈恵会医大・名誉教授)
International perspective from the Asia Pacific region on women in GI 演者:Sharmila Sachithanandan(Sime Darby Medical Centre)
司会:白鳥 敬子(東都クリニック)
Saline-immersion therapeutic endoscopy (SITE) facilitated pocket-creation method (PCM) for endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) 演者:Edward John Despott(Royal Free Unit for Endoscopy & University College London Institute for Liver & Digestive Health)
司会:田中 信治(JA尾道総合病院)
105回 なし  
104回 Approach to indeterminate biliary strictures 演者:Bret T. Petersen(Mayo Clinic)
司会:藤田 直孝(みやぎ健診プラザ)
New development in management of Barrett neoplasia 演者:Helmut Messmann(3rd Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Augsburg)
司会:樋口 和秀(大阪医薬大・先端医療開発学)
New understanding about the concept of minimally invasive endoscopic surgery–ERBEC 演者:Pinghong Zhou(Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University)
司会:小野 裕之(静岡がんセンター・内視鏡科)
Current and future role of cholangiopancreatoscopy (CPS) 演者:Horst Neuhaus(Department of Internal Medicine, Evangelisches Krankenhaus Dusseldorf)
司会:田尻 久雄(東京慈恵会医大・名誉教授)
Endoscopic ablative therapy for biliary malignancy 演者:D. Nageshwar Reddy(AIG Hospitals)
司会:上西 紀夫(公立昭和病院)
Motorized spiraled enteroscope : Efficacy and safety 演者:Jean-Francois Rey(Institute Arnault Tzanck)
司会:田中 信治(広島大大学院・内視鏡医学)
103回 Future for Endoscopy: Worldwide Technology and Expertise 演者:Jean-François Rey(Institute Arnault Tzanck, France)
司会:Hisao Tajiri(Department of Innovative Interventional Endoscopy Research, The Jikei University School of Medicine)
Recent and Near Future Advances in Medical Therapy for the Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 演者:Bruce E. Sands(Mount Sinai, U.S.A.)
司会:Mamoru Watanabe(Advanced Research Institute, Tokyo Medical and Dental University)
Medicine after the Pandemic: Perspectives from an American Academic Medical Center 演者:Daniel K. Podolsky(University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, U.S.A.)
司会:Toshifumi Hibi(IBD Center, Kitasato University Kitasato Institute Hospital)
102回 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on endoscopy and healthcare provision in the UK 演者:Edward John Despott(Royal Free Unit for Endoscopy, The Royal Free Hospital)
司会:山本 博徳(自治医大・消化器内科)
Full thickness resection, an alternative to ESD for high risk colonic polyps 演者:Greg Haber(NYU Langone Medical Center)
司会:井上 晴洋(昭和大江東豊洲病院・消化器センター)
Underwater endoscopy and resection 演者:Kenneth F. Binmoeller(Interventional Endoscopy Services, California Pacific Medical Center)
司会:田尻 久雄(東京慈恵会医大・名誉教授)
Principles and techniques of interventional IBD: Endoscopic management of complications 演者:Bo Shen(The Interventional IBD Center, Columbia University Irving Medical Center)
司会:久松 理一(杏林大・消化器内科)
101回 再生医療における内視鏡の役割 演者:渡辺  守(東京医科歯科大学 高等研究院)
司会:日比 紀文(北里大学北里研究所病院 IBD センター)
AIP 診療に関するトピックス 演者:下瀬川 徹(みやぎ県南中核病院)
大腸内視鏡の歴史(過去・現在・未来) 演者:工藤 進英(昭和大学横浜市北部病院 消化器センター)
司会:吉田 茂昭(青森県立中央病院)
100回 My life in therapeutic endoscopy 演者:Nib Soehendra(University of Hamburg)
司会:藤田 力也(昭和大・名誉教授)
The future of pancreatobiliary endoscopy- Where are we going? 演者:Robert Hawes(Advent Health Medical Group and University of Central Florida College of Medicine)
司会:井上 晴洋(昭和大江東豊洲病院・消化器センター)
Complete photodocumentation of the upper GI tract: Would it be possible in clinical practice? 演者:Fabian Emura(Division of Gastroenterology, Universidad de La Sabana)
司会:伊藤 透(金沢医大・消化器内視鏡学)
99回 なし  
98回  Promoting safe and high quality endoscopy practice: The roles of JGES and WEO 演者:Fabian Emura(Division of Gastroenterology, Universidad de La Sabana)
司会:井上晴洋(Haruhiro Inoue)(昭和大江東豊洲病院・消化器センター(Digestive Disease Center, Showa University Koto-Toyosu Hospital))
New methods for screening, diagnosis, and treatment of esophageal adenocarcinoma 演者:Kenneth K. Wang(Mayo Clinic)
司会:田尻久雄(Hisao Tajiri)(東京慈恵会医大・先進内視鏡治療研究講座(Department of Innovative Interventional Endoscopy Research, The Jikei University School of Medicine))
Cutting edge technologies in interventional EUS 演者:Mouen Khashab(Johns Hopkins Hospital)
司会:藤田直孝(Naotaka Fujita)(みやぎ健診プラザ(Miyagi Medical Check-up Plaza) )
The current status of capsule endoscopy in Europe 演者:Jean-Francois Rey(Institute Arnault Tzanck)
司会:中村哲也(Tetsuya Nakamura)(獨協医大・医療情報センター(Department of Medical Informatics, Dokkyo Medical University))
97回  Robotic endoscopy, current status and future  演者:Philip W.Y. Chiu(Proffesor, Division of Upper GI & Metabolic Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
司会:橋爪 誠(九州大学名誉教授、先端医療イノベーションセンター)
Histoy of ERCP, current status and future 演者:Guido Costamagna(Università Cattolica del S. Cuore, Rome, Italy)
司会:安田 健治朗(京都第二赤十字病院 消化器内科)
History of EUS, current status and future 演者:Robert Hawes(AdventHealth Medical Group, University of Central Florida College of Medisine, Orlando, U.S.A)
司会:上西 紀夫(公立昭和病院)
Endoscopic rescue of major anastomotic leakage 演者:Stefan Seewald(Hiralanden Clinic Group, Zürich, Switzerland)
司会:坂本 長逸(日本医科大学名誉教授/夢眠クリニック大宮北 内科)
96回 Future perspective of EUS 演者:Robert H. Hawes(Florida Hospital Institute for Minimally Invasive Therapy)
司会:安田 健治朗(Kenjiro Yasuda) 京都第二赤十字病院・消化器内科(Department of Gastroenterology,
Kyoto Second Red Cross Hospital)
Endoscopic foregut surgery – The future is NOW 演者:Kenneth J. Chang(Director, Comprehensive Digestive Disease Center, Division Chief Gastroenterology, University of California, Irvine)
司会:高橋 信一(Shinichi Takahashi) 佼成病院(Kosei Hospital)
The current state and problem of endoscopic treatments for the malignant biliary stenosis Thierry Ponchon(Digestive Diseases Department, E. Herriot Hospital, Lyon University)
司会:藤田 直孝(Naotaka Fujita)みやぎ健診プラザ(Miyagi General Health-Check Plaza)
95回 Advanced diagnosis endoscopy: worldwide clinical outcome 演者:Jean-Francois REY(Institut Arnault Tzanck)
司会:上西 紀夫(公立昭和病院 院長)
Progress in biliopancreatic endoscopy 演者:Horst Neuhaus(Evangelisches Krankenhaus Düsseldorf / Teaching Hospital of the University of Düsseldorf)
司会:安田 健治朗(京都第二赤十字病院 消化器内科)
Radio Frequency Ablation for pancreato biliary tumors 演者:D. Nageshwar Reddy(Asian Institute of Gastroenterology)
司会:藤田 力也(昭和大学 名誉教授)
94回 Diagnosis and treatment of Barrett’s esophagus with dysplasia: Current guidelines and new technologies 演者:S. Kashin(Yaroslavl Regional Cancer Hospital, Endoscopy Training Center, Yaroslavl State Medical University)
司会:高橋 信一(S. Takahashi) 佼成病院(Kosei Hospital)
Colorectal cancer screening: the Florence experience 演者:L. Bandettini(Department of Surgery and Translational Medicine, University of Florence)
司会:松井 敏幸(T. Matsui) 福岡大筑紫病院・消化器内科(Department of Gastroenterology, Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital)
Endoscopic treatment of upper GI tumors in Europe 演者:A. Repici(Gastroenterology, Humanitas University)
司会:田尻 久雄(H. Tajiri) 東京慈恵会医大・先進内視鏡治療研究講座(Department of Innovative Interventional Endoscopy Research, The Jikei University School of Medicine)


92回  Education for GI endoscopist in Taiwan 演者:H.-P. Wang(Division of Endoscopy, National Taiwan University Hospital)
司会:T. Mine(峯 徹哉) (Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of Tokai School of Medicine(東海大・消化器内科))
Video journalism for endoscopists 演者:G. S. Raju(University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center)
司会:T. Joh(城 卓志) (Department of Gastroenterology and Metabolism, Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medical Sciences(名古屋市立大大学院・消化器・代謝内科学))
Functional disorder of the proximal gastrointestinal tract 演者:J. Tack(Catholic University of Leuven)
司会:M. Kusano(草野 元康) (Department of Endoscopy and Endoscopic Surgery, Gunma University Hospital(群馬大・光学医療診療部))
GI mucosal injury and bleeding in the GI induced by anti-thrombotics 演者:F. K. Chan(Chinese University, Hong Kong)
司会:A. Shiotani(塩谷 昭子) (Department of Gastroenterology, Kawasaki Medical School(川崎医大・消化管内科))
Update therapeutic approach to the upper GI diseases- focus on GERD 演者:P. Malfertheiner(Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg)
司会:M. Kaise(貝瀬 満) (Toranomon Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology(虎の門病院・消化器内科))
Horizons for Japanese and Saudi collaboration in gastroenterology and hepatology 演者:M. A. Madi(President, The Saudi Gastroenterology Association)
司会:A. Nakajima(中島 淳)( Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Yokohama City University School of Medicine(横浜市立大・肝胆膵消化器病学) )
Present status and future perspective of advanced diagnostic endoscopy in the colorectum(大腸検査における advanced diagnostic endoscopy の現状と将来展望) 演者:H. Kashida(樫田 博史)(Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Kindai University Faculty of Medicine(近畿大・消化器内科))
司会:S. Kudo(工藤 進英)(Digestive Disease Center, Showa University Northern Yokohama Hospital(昭和大横浜市北部病院・消化器センター))
91回 なし  
90回 Prevention of metachronous gastric cancer after H. pylori eradication 演者:D.Y. Graham Baylor College of Medicine
司会:Y. Yamaoka(山岡 吉生) Department of Environmental and Preventive Medicine, Oita University Faculty of Medicine (大分大・環境・予防医学)
Management of Barrett’s esophagus, dysplasia and esophageal adenocarcinoma 演者:P. Sharma Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of Kansas
司会:H. Tajiri(田尻 久雄) President, Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society(日本消化器内視鏡学会・理事長)
89回 なし  
88回 GI endoscopy abroad: Experience from a 45 year career in the USA
演者:C. Sugawa(須川 暢一) (Department of Surgery, Wayne State University )
司会:R.Fujita(藤田 力也)(Professor Emeritus at Showa University)
EUS-guided therapy: Current status and future directions 演者:R. H. Hawes(University of Central Florida College of Medicine, Florida Hospital Institute for Minimally Invasive Therapy)
司会:K.Yamao(山雄 健次)(Department of Gastroenterology,Aichi Cancer Center Hospital)
87回 なし  
86回 What we are now focusing on in digestive endoscopy 演者:P. V. Draganov( University of Florida)
司会:下瀬川 徹(東北大大学院・消化器病態学)
Recent Advances in Endoscopy in the Asian-Pacific Region 演者:W. S. C. Chao(President, Asian-Pacific Society for Digestive Endoscopy)
司会:藤田 直孝(仙台市医療センター仙台オープン病院・消化器内科)
85回 Advanced Imaging in Barrett’s esophagus 演者:Prateek Sharma (Professor of Medicine University of Kansas School of Medicine, Kansas City, USA)
司会:藤野 雅之(蓮根ロイヤルクリニック 院長/山梨大学名誉教授)
消化器内視鏡のパラダイムシフト:研究から実践へ 演者:田尻 久雄(東京慈恵会医科大学内科学講座 消化器・肝臓内科/内視鏡科 主任教授)
司会:八尾 恒良(佐田佼成会佐田病院 名誉院長)
Clinical approach to the management of IBD 演者:Simon Travis(Translational Gastroenterology Unit, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK)
司会:松井 敏幸(福岡大学筑紫病院 消化器科)
Colorectal cancer in Brazil 演者:Claudio Rolim Teixeira (Gastroenterology, Rio Grande University, Brazil)
司会:吉原 正治(広島大学保健管理センター)
消化器病学からみた消化器内視鏡医へのメッセージ 演者:菅野 健太郎(自治医科大学内科学講座 消化器内科学部門)
司会:上西 紀夫(日本消化器内視鏡学会 理事長/公立昭和病院 院長)
炎症性腸疾患に対する治療の進歩と“粘膜治癒” の意義 演者:日比 紀文(慶應義塾大学医学部 消化器内科)
司会:朝倉 均(新潟大学名誉教授/こうかんクリニック 院長)
消化器癌組織発生における病理診断と遺伝子異常 演者:八尾 隆史(順天堂大学大学院医学研究科 人体病理病態学)
司会:千葉 勉(京都大学大学院医学研究科 消化器内科学)
Recent Advances in Endoscopy in the Asian-Pacific Region 演者:William S. C. Chao(Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong, China)
司会:丹羽 寛文(日本消化器内視鏡学会・名誉理事長/最高顧問、聖マリアンナ医科大学客員教授)
Screening for Familial Pancreatic Cancer 演者:Paul Fockens(Department of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
司会:藤田 力也(昭和大学名誉教授/癌研有明病院顧問/三喜会理事長)
Advances in Imaging of Barrett’s Esophagus 演者:Michael B. Wallace(Professor of Medicine, Mayo Clinic Florida, USA)
司会:春間 賢(川崎医科大学 消化管内科学)
84回 Cutting edge of the current molecular imaging technology: Focusing on endoscopic applications 演者:H. Kobayashi(Molecular Imaging Program, NCI/NIH)
司会:田尻 久雄(東京慈恵会医大・消化器・肝臓内科)
Continuing challenges in the diagnosis and management of  obscure gastrointestinal bleeding 演者:D. R. Cave(University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Center)
司会:高橋 信一(杏林大・3内科)
Education of young endoscopists in Asia 演者:W. S. C. Chao(President, Asian-Pacific Society for Digestive Endoscopy)
司会:熊谷 一秀(昭和大豊洲病院・外科)
83回  Underwater endoscopy: Diving to New Depths 演者:Kenneth F. Binmoeller(Director, Interventional Endoscopy, California Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco, California, USA)
司会:藤野 雅之(蓮根ロイヤルクリニック/山梨大学 名誉教授)
LGI Bleeding in USA 演者:Choichi Sugawa (Department of Surgery, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.)
司会:寺野 彰(獨協学園 理事長/獨協医科大学 名誉学長)
25 Years Experience of Live Demonstration 演者:William S. C. Chao(President of The Asian Pacific Society of Digestive Endoscopy, Hong Kong, China)
司会:丹羽 寛文(日本消化器内視鏡学会 名誉理事長/最高顧問)
Evolution of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in China: Current Status and Future Prospects 演者:Zhao-Shen Li (Head, Department of Gastroenterology, Changhai Hospital / President, Chinese Society of Digestive Endoscopy / Editor-in-chief, Journal of Interventional Gastroenterology, Shanghai, China)
司会:藤田 力也(昭和大学 名誉教授)
Intraductal US and cholangioscopy for better management of biliary tract lesion; beyond ERCP 演者:Jong Ho Moon(Digestive Disease Center, Department of Internal Medicine, Soon Chun Hyang University School of Medicine, Bucheon and Seoul, Korea)
司会:山川 達郎(帝京大学医学部 名誉教授・客員教授)
The evolution of EUS – Past, Present and Future 演者:Robert H. Hawes(Medical Director, Florida Hospital Institute for Minimally Invasive Therapy/Professor of Medicine, University of Central Florida College of Medicine, Orlando, Florida, USA)
司会:田尻 久雄(東京慈恵会医科大学 内科学講座消化器・肝臓内科/内視鏡科)
Endoscopic management of post-operative biliary complcations 演者:Guido Costamagna(Digestive Endoscopy Unit – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Policlinico Universitario “Agostino Gemelli”, Rome, Italy)
司会:税所 宏光(化学療法研究所附属病院 内科)
European perspectives on cutting-edge endoscopy in academic centers 演者:Horst Neuhaus(Professor of Medicine, Head, Department of Internal Medicine, Evangelisches Krankenhaus Düsseldorf, Teaching Hospital of the University of Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany)
司会:鈴木 博昭(東京慈恵会医科大学 客員教授)
82回 New diagnostic approaches and insights in inflammatory bowel disease 演者:E. V. Loftus Jr.(Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Mayo Clinic)
司会:日比 紀文(慶応義塾大・内科)
Recent activity of KASID
(Korean Association for the Study of the Intestinal Disease) in Korea
演者:W. H. Kim(Department of Internal Medicine, Institute of Gastroenterology,
Yonsei University College of Medicine)
司会:三木 和正(日本胃がん予知・診断・治療研究機構)
81回 Diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy:suggestions for improvement 演者:Anthony Axon(University of Leeds UK)
司会:近藤 仁(斗南病院 消化器病センター)
病院の女性職員におけるワークライフバランスの重要性 演者:清野 佳紀(大阪厚生年金病院)
司会:名越 澄子(埼玉医科大学 消化器内科・肝臓内科)
80回 H. pylori infection: a clinical overview 演者:P. Malfertheiner(Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Infectious Diseases, Magdeburg, Germany)
司会:藤田 力也( 昭和大藤が丘病院・名誉教授)
Gastric cancer risk in patients with premalignant gastric lesions 演者:E. J. Kuipers(Department of Internal Medicine, and Gastroenterology and Hepatology,
Erasmus MC University Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands)
司会:藤野 雅之( 横浜船員保険病院・名誉院長)
米国と日本の消化器内視鏡教育 演者:C. Sugawa(Department of Surgery, Wayne State University)
司会:鈴木 博昭( 神奈川県立汐見台病院)
79回  Computer Science applied to surgery and gastroenterology: a great revolution 演者:Jacques Marescaux(President of IRCAD/EITS Institute, Chairman Dept. Digestive & Endocrine Surgery University Hospital of Strasbourg:France)
司会:比企 能樹(北里大学)
The role of Japanese endoscopists in the global era 演者:William S.C. Chao (President of Asian-Pacific Society for Digestive Endoscopy,
Hong Kong:China)
司会:藤田 力也(癌研有明病院 顧問)
人生の最高峰を目指して-エベレストへの飽くなき挑戦- 演者:三浦 雄一郎(プロスキーヤー)
司会:吉田 茂昭(青森県立中央病院)
New imaging modalities in IBD patients 演者:Ralf Kiesslich(Head of Endoscopy Dept., Universitatsmedizin Mainz, I. Med. Klinik:Germany)
司会:橋爪 誠(九州大学医学研究院 先端医療医学講座)
がん治療の経験を通して 演者:鳥越 俊太郎(ニュースの職人・キャスター )
司会:森山 寛(東京慈恵会医科大学附属病院 病院長/耳鼻咽喉科学講座 主任教授)
78回 Classification of neoplastic lesions of the digestive mucosa  after the Paris and Kyoto conferences 演者:R. Lambert(International Agency for Research on Cancer)
司会:藤野 雅之(横浜船員保険病院・名誉院長)
77回 Biliary endoscopy:  New devices and new challenges Horst Neuhaus

演者:Horst Neuhaus(Evangelisches Krankenhaus Duesseldorf, Germany)
司会:藤田 力也(癌研有明病院)

Endoscopic surveillance, diagnosis,
and treatment of esophageal cancer in Taiwan
演者:Jaw-Town Lin(Department of Internal Medicine,National Taiwan University)
司会:鈴木 博昭(東京慈恵会医科大学客員教授)
胃内視鏡検診の現状と展開 演者:深尾 彰(山形大学)
司会:小越 和栄(県立がんセンター新潟病院 参与)
76回 招待発言:Endoscopy Training in Asian-Pacific Countries 演者:W. S. C. Chao(President, Asian-Pacific Society for Digestive Endoscopy)
司会:中島 正継(京都第二赤十字病院・消化器科)
Present Status of Therapeutic Endoscopy in the Netherlands 演者:P. Fockens(Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam)
司会:比企 能樹(北里大・名誉教授)
Present Status of Therapeutic Endoscopy in USA 演者:G. B. Haber(Division of Gastroenterology, Center for Advanced Therapeutic Endoscopy, Lenox Hill Hospital)
司会:鈴木 博昭(東京慈恵会医大)
75回 Interventional EUS:Pseudocyst Drainage 演者:Kenneth F. Bionmoeller (California Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco, CA)
司会:税所 宏光(化学療法研究所付属病院院長、千葉大学名誉教授)
New frontiers between endoscopy and surgery- European perspective. 演者:Thomas Rösch(Charite University Hospital, Berlin)
司会:藤田 力也(癌研有明病院顧問)
My history of endoscopy. 演者:Nib Soehendra (University Mediical Center Hamburg-Eppenfdorf, Germany)
司会:鈴木 博昭(東京慈恵会医科大学客員教授)
Present status and future prospects for capsule endoscopy 演者:Paul Swain(Royal London Hospital)
司会:北島 政樹(国際医療福祉大学副学長、三田病院病院長)
EUS-guided anti-tumor therapy. 演者:Kenneth Chang (UCI Cancer Center, USA)
司会:吉田 茂昭(青森県立中央病院)
74回 Immmunomoderator therapy of IBD 演者:S. Travis(Department of Gastroenterology and Endoscopy, Clinical lead for Nutrition, John Radcliffe Hospital at Oxford)
司会:三木 一正(東邦大・消化器内科)
Notes -Update- 演者:R. Hawes(Medical University of South Carolina)
司会:田尻 久雄(東京慈恵会医大・消化器・肝臓内科)
Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction,  papillary stenosis and role of endoscopic sphincterotomy 演者:C. Sugawa(Department of Surgery, Wayne State University)
司会:藤田 力也(癌研有明病院)
Future perspectives of endoscopic treatments 演者:S. Chung(Department of Surgery, Chinese University of Hong Kong)
司会:藤岡 利生(大分大・消化器内科)
73回 Screening for pancreatic cancer 演者:Michael B. Kimmey (Tacoma,Washington,USA and Clinical)
司会:山川 達郎(帝京大学医学部名誉教授、溝口外科/内視鏡・内視鏡手術センター客員教授)
Early diagnosis of gastric  adenocarcinoma based on  magnification chromoendoscopy and pepsinogen 演者:Mario Jorge Dinis Ribeiro(Portugauese Oncology Institute Porto,Faculty of Medicine,Portugal)
司会:藤田 力也(癌研有明病院特別顧問)
Chronic pancreatitis : Epidemiologic study and current endoscopic management in China 演者:Zhao-shen Li(The Second Military Medical University,Shanghai,China)
司会:三輪 剛(海老名総合病院顧問、東海大学名誉教授)
