一般社団法人 日本消化器内視鏡学会 Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society

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  5. ENDO 2022 / JGES Best Abstract Award 受賞者のご報告

ENDO 2022 / JGES Best Abstract Award 受賞者のご報告

 ENDO 2022のJGES Best Abstract Awardにつきまして、厳正なる審査の結果、下記のとおり受賞者を決定しましたので、ご報告いたします。

 ENDO 2022へは本学会会員の先生方から数多くの素晴らしい演題をご登録いただきました。ご応募くださいました全ての方々に心より感謝申し上げますと共に、今回惜しくも受賞に至らなかった著者の先生も、是非また次の機会に挑戦していただければ幸いです。

JGES Best Abstract Award


  • ENDO 2022に登録された演題のうち、筆頭著者が45歳以下のJGES会員であるもの
  • ENDO 2022が設定する他の賞を受賞していないもの
  • 優秀演題10題


  • ENDO 2022 registration fee免除
  • 助成金(5万円)


日本消化器内視鏡学会 国際委員会

※演題登録の要件および登録方法はENDO 2022の一般演題と同じです。



Title Awardee Awardee’s Institutes
Diagnosis for superficial squamous cell carcinoma in the pharynx and esophagus with a novel ultra-thin endoscopy Akira Dobashi 1The Jikei University School of Medicine, Department of Endoscopy, Tokyo, Japan
Predictive factors for esophageal stenosis in patients with the preventive administered steroids after endoscopic submucosal resection for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma Junichi Mizuno 1Hiroshima University Hospital, Endoscopy, Hiroshima, Japan
Diagnostic value of colorectal lesions using magnifying colonoscope CF-EZ1500DI with EVIS X1 system Maasa Sasabe 1Department of Gastroenterology and Endoscopy, National Cancer Center Hospital East, kashiwa-shi, Japan
Relationship between endocytoscopic images and histological images of superficial non-ampullary duodenal epithelial tumor (SNADETs) Marina Kubo 1Hokkaido University Faculty of Medicine and Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Sapporo, Japan
Texture and Color Enhancement Imaging (TXI) for detection of colorectal polyp: A multicenter retrospective study Naoto Tamai 1The Jikei University School of Medicine, Department of Endoscopy, Tokyo, Japan
Enhanced visibility with high color difference using linked color imaging in upper gastrointestinal neoplasms Osamu Dohi 1Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Graduate School of Medical Science, Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Kyoto, Japan
Increased risk of biliary infection after biliary stent placement in users of proton pump inhibitors Ryunosuke Hakuta 1The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Elucidation of tumor heterogeneity in gastric cancer by oxygen saturation imaging Tatsunori Minamide 1National Cancer Center Hospital East, Department of Gastroenterology and Endoscopy, Kashiwa, Japan
The combination of smoking status and ABC method for evaluating risk of synchronous gastric cancers: A multicenter prospective cohort study Waku Hatta 1Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Sendai, Japan
A New Scoring System to Distinguish Deep Invasive Submucosal (T1) and Muscularis Propria (T2) Colorectal Cancer during Colonoscopy: A Development and Global Multicenter External Validation Yohei Koyama 1National Cancer Center Hospital, Endoscopy Division, Tokyo, Japan, 2Tokyo Medical University Hospital, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tokyo, Japan



理事長        井上 晴洋

国際委員会担当理事  山本 博徳

国際委員会委員長     斎藤  豊

国際委員会アドバイザー 田尻 久雄


